A Very Spunky Season

Holy crap, 2017!

This past season was an absolute whirlwind for the Spunky household. We welcomed our newest nugget in February and six weeks later, I was back on my skates with the rest of my teammates. After a couple months of training, I was bouting in our May homegame AND JAMMING! This season felt like it had dragged on for an eternity, but I chalk that up to jumping back into my pads and skates so quickly after having a baby. After all I was juggling derby two to three nights a week, plus bouts, managing our league’s merchandise, going to Pilates as often as I was able to, figuring out how to be a stay-at-home-mom, and caring for three mini-mees of varying age (eleven, four, and a very collicky newborn).

Let me tell you, once our off season was in sight, I welcomed it with open arms. Hot. Mess. Mama. Open. Arms.   

Oh, glorious off season.

I have been basking in the glory that is off season, especially after such a busy couple of months. I have taken this off season to shut off my roller derby mode and focus on my not-derby family and my not-derby hobbies. Taking time to try and relish new baby milestones – “try” because this little homeboy has been quite a finicky little dude. Bonding with my middlest of children with all the girliest of activities she can think of. Watching my oldest grow into a pretty rad fella even though being a pre-teen means it’s not as cool to hang out with mom. Oh and I guess spending some quality time with my husband too – he’s family too. When not momming or wifing it up I spend most of my time crocheting up a storm.

Now I am probably the best example of a homebody in the history of homebodies. I am the potatoiest of couch potatoes. Despite this, staying at home fulltime without any outlet would cause me to become stir-crazy. To proactively combat this I continued going to Pilates throughout the off season which I have found to be a great
escape from the craziness that is my day-to-day. If you haven’t tried Pilates, I highly recommend it.  

Waddup. Here come dat 2018.

As our 2018 season quickly approaches I’m not sure that I feel as recharged as I would like, but I miss my teammates, the activity, and just spending time with people that did not come out of my body (i.e. my children). My hopes and dreams for this next season are to hone my derbing skills, increase my stamina, jam like I mean it, and work on a bit of upper body.

So as I often say while on the track when asked if I’m ready? Nope, but bring it on!

-Spunky Nugget #522