Never Give Up

My skating career first began when I was five living in the small town of Mosinee in the silver blades ice skating club. Every year I looked forward to winter coming because that meant I got to put my skates back on and learn to moves on the ice. I skated for about six or seven years until I moved away from the area, headed down south and lived in Florida for a couple of years until I returned to Wisconsin.

I first became interested in roller derby when I was about 16. I had no idea there was a Central Wisconsin team until I was about 20 when I saw one of my good friends from high school had joined Mid State Sisters of Skate. I would see her photos from each season on Facebook and be envious of her wanting to be in her skates or even just try them on and then it happened. Tiawanna slammer posted on Facebook the Mid State Sisters of Skate was recruiting! I jumped at the opportunity and got all of the details on when, where, what, etc and I was there!

I showed up to Marathon park not knowing what I was getting myself into but thinking “hey it’s at least worth a try.” Don’t get me wrong I was scared out of my mind with what I just got myself into and hoping that at least some of my skating skills from when I was 5 would still be in the back of my head.

I walked into the rink and right away all of the girls where so nice! They fit me with some gear and we got rolling! Right away I could tell that this was something that I wanted to stick with for a long time. It took me five days to pass my skills levels and then it happened I was skating with all of the other girls! I was amazed with how accommodating on and off the track everyone was. Taking things slow but keeping things challenging to get better and better.

A few weeks passed and then it was time… My first bout day had finally arrived!! I thought I was scared to just try skating I was terrified for my first game! Then I heard it “five seconds!” And the first whistle blew and we were off! It all happened so fast and before I knew it my first bout was finished. Although I still had no idea for the most part of what happening on the track even during the game the girls where helping me out as much as they could.

Skipping ahead to uffda palooza…. it was my first uffda palooza but everyone was so excited about it! I was ready for two solid days of derby and couldn’t wait for it to begin! July 8th 2017 my first bout of uffda palooza would be my only bout of uffda palooza 2017. Twenty minutes into the first half of the first bout a player from the opposing team came out of no where and hit me with a lot of power. I flew up in the air and came down with my skate under me.

I knew as I went up in the air I was not going to land well and just accepted the odds of what was going to happen and then I landed…. I couldn’t stop filleting around trying to get away from the pain until the trainers and emt stopped me from rolling. Once I calmed down I had three things going through my head 1) how much pain was radiating through my foot and ankle
2) get me off the track so they can continue with the bout and 3) is this the end of my derby career because if so that’s not fair I just started!


I was taken to the local walk in got X-rays done and was released. Less than twenty minutes after leaving the walk in clinic I got the heart dropping phone call. “ we are sorry to inform you but the technician just looked at your X-rays and it is broken. Follow up with orthopedics this week to have them look at it.” I returned to uffda palooza for the remainder of the weekend to cheer my team on.


Although I was devastated that my skating season was over I had to look at the bright side and remind myself that I still have all of these amazing girls supporting me and we support each other. To finish out the season I still showed up to practices and bouts because derby is my life and I love all of my team mates so why wouldn’t I show up to help with anything I could???

November 2017 was a great time of year. I was finally able to get back into my skates and it felt amazing!! I had no pain in the ankle and I felt so free! I was finally back to the gym working out and running getting ready for the 2018 season! And then knowing my luck I fell in December of 2017. I actually fell in a poorly lit movie theater full of people who all saw me fall. I went back to my orthopedic and once again got the news… “you re-broke your ankle four more weeks in a cast.”


Once again devastated I still had time to make this break heal before the 2018 derby season starts. I didn’t over do it in December to make sure my ankle could heal. January 2nd 2018 was one of the happiest days of my life. I finally got to hear the words “you are clear to start the 2018 season!” I am staying far away from movie theaters from now until after derby season but you can mostly find me at the gym! You can now find me and The Euthanizer at the local planet fitness working on endurance and getting into shape so we can be the best we can be on the track this season!

Throughout my recovery time I got asked the same question over and over again “So I bet your going to call it quits aren’t you?” Every single time I would answer “you couldn’t pay me enough to keep me away from the track”. Roller derby has seriously turned my life completely around and I plan on sticking with it for a very long time.

#666 devil child