Spunky Goes to Madison

I have just ended my fourth season with the Mid-State Sisters of Skate. I am not exactly feeling drained, but I am getting there and I do not want to burn myself out from roller derby. I also did not want to completely pull myself away from derby – I have had way too much fun coordinating merchandise this season. I have decided spend next season as a roller derby referee. What a win-win! Lesser practice requirements = more time with my family. Learning some of the nuances of the game I have been playing for four years. Still being able to see all my skating sisters’ lovely faces.

All that being said, I took a little (two-hour) road trip down to Madison to train with a group of their referees. First of all, I am from Galloway, WI – an unincorporated little town where “around the block” means three miles away – so lots of road construction in a bigger city is a little intimidating. Especially when the entrance to Fast Forward Skating Rink is hidden amongst apartment building and strip mall entrances and disconnected parking lots. I FOUND IT THOUGH!!!

I signed waivers, strapped on my skates, and warmed up on the track. When everyone was ready, we all skittered off to the side of the rink and began some basics: initiation, relative position, penalties, jam reffing, hand signals, proper attire, and unicorns. Unfortunately the practicing skaters did not have much to practice in the way of scrimmage-like drills until the last ten minutes of practice, BUT I did get to jam ref those last ten minutes and was excited to put what I had learned into practice. I still have a lot of tweaking and learning to do, but at least I have a start! The biggest of thanks yous to all the Madison refs, refs-in-training, and skaters for letting me learn and play with you!

All in all, I am excited to practice and use some of the reffing skills I have learned while in Madison … even if I am nervous as all get out. I will be heading back down to Madison to ref my first scrimmage in September. Wish this reffing Nugget all of the lucks!

-Spunky Nugget #522